I am organizing a learning seminar on Geometric Measure Theory (GMT) this summer. The goal is to follow Paul Minter’s lecture notes from his class last spring, which are available on his website. See his website for topics covered in his lecture notes. While I hope to cover the entire lecture notes, this might be too ambitious. A prerequisite for the seminar will be part of Leon Simon’s GMT book.
The seminar will be broadcast on Zoom, but those around Cambridge are encouraged to come to a seminar room and discuss together. Recordings will be available to attendees and may be deleted after a few weeks to encourage timely participation.
If you wish to be included in our mailing list, please send an email to me or add yourself with your email address on the sign up sheet.
Seminar Details
- Time: Tuesday 1-3pm ET
- Location: in-person 2-255, online zoom ID 965 1323 5547 1
Useful Links
- Leon Simon’s GMT: book lecture videos
- Paul Minter’s lecture notes: website (see under “Spring 2024 (Princeton)”)
- Basic Measure Theory
- Basic Minimal Surface Theory
- Leon Simon’s GMT
- Geometric objects and operations for $C^k$ submanifolds and (locally) Lipschitz functions (Chapter 2)
- (co)Area formula, Tangent space, Divergence
- First and second variation
- Monotonicity formula
- Rectifiable varifolds
- Approximate tangent space, (co)Area formula (Chapter 3.1, 3.2)
- First variation (Chapter 4.2)
- Geometric objects and operations for $C^k$ submanifolds and (locally) Lipschitz functions (Chapter 2)
Date | Speaker | Topic |
Jul 2 | Dain Kim | Overview + Stratification of the Singular Set |
Jul 9 | Tang-Kai Lee | Bellettini’s PDE method to Schoen–Simon’s Regularity Theory |
Jul 16 | Abhinav Jha | Allard’s Regularity: PDE case study |
Jul 23 | Xinrui Zhao | Allard’s Regularity: general case |
Aug 6 | Dain Kim | Simon’s Cylindrical Tangent Cone: intro |
Aug 20 | Shrey Aryan | Simon’s Cylindrical Tangent Cone: $L^2$ estimates |
Aug 29 | Yuze Jiang | Simon’s Cylindrical Tangent Cone: blow-ups |
Sep 4 | Dongyeong Ko | Wickramasekera’s Regularity Theory I |
Sep 16 | Paul Minter | Wickramasekera’s Regularity Theory II |
password: We say a varifold $V = \underline{v}(M, \theta)$ is ********** if the first variation vanishes. ↩︎